
09 May, 2011

Mother's Day Aloha Style

Well, my Mother's Day was certainly not what I had anticipated!

I got a text around 0830 from my mom saying my grandmother {on my dad's side} had fallen at church and was at the hospital. Luckily, my parents were with her when it happened and they took her straight to the hospital. God bless her, I think my mom waited until she knew I would be awake to text me. ;-) Anyway, so my mom spent most of her day at the hospital. I'm sure she didn't anticipate that either. And the good news is my grandmother will be fine. She's got a couple fractures and a concussion, but she's fine. And she's tough. I have no doubt that she'll be fine in a week.

I went to church, where I got to sit with Mrs. C, her hubby and mom. Then, after church they invited me to lunch! I gladly went and we ended up going downtown, eating at PF Chang's (YUM!) and walking around Waikiki. For someone who had plans of going home, eating cold pizza and making phone calls...this was a big day. Haha!! It was a really good time and I ate entirely too much food.

I all but passed out on the couch when I got home. I don't usually do that many activities in one day. Ha! Then, I tortured myself with Army Wives' homecoming...and watching Coming Home. *sigh* More on all the emotions that stirred up later.

Mom and I at the park, 1988ca. =)
I don't know why, but I really love this photo.

Mom can get under my skin sometimes, but she's still Mom and I love her. She's done a lot for me in my almost 25 years. Not to mention she put up with my psycho craziness while I was in college. I think anyone might deserve a medal for that. =P And God bless that woman for not kicking my brother out yet. Haha!! 

And just because, here's the photo Anna sent to me this morning of my cute little nephew. Safe to say it made my day.

Yes, he's wearing the shirt I bought him...and laying on the quilt I made him. =D I am one proud auntie. How much longer 'til I can hold him?!

I hope you had a great Mother's Day!