But, today's Sunday which means I pretty much haven't done anything all day. Except for going to church. And eating some Taco Bell. But that's it. =)
Friday, I went to the mall with Miranda. I didn't know we were going to the mall when we left, though. I had the address to a store attached to the mall that sells TOMS. I didn't realize the store was attached to the mall. Why? It has a completely different address. The Ala Moana mall is freakin' huge. Seriously. It's so huge, I couldn't even tell you how big it is. I do know that it has 3 levels and a butt load of stores. Maybe I should Google it. =P So, I visited their website (link is above) and it says they have over 290 stores/restaurants. That's pretty huge.
Anyway, back to the story. The store is Nordstroms, first of all. I totally felt like I don't have enough money to be allowed in the store. They sell designer everything. Shoes, handbags, clothes....you name it, they've got it. I did try on some TOMS and figured out what size I need. They fit a little tight, so my fat foot needs an 8.5. *sigh* I didn't buy any because I was planning on ordering the ones I really wanted online. We poked around for a while and then hit a couple other stores in the mall. =) We grabbed some lunch and then went to B&N and then a party store so Miranda could pick up some Halloween stuff.
I finished the day off with some pasta, Smallville and this deliciousness from Starbucks via Cheesecake Factory:
Did I mention that I was kind of dying to buy TOMS? Well, I was. Yesterday, I finally allowed my fingers to find their website again and then "Add to Cart." I entered all of my info, and then something odd happened.
Shipping Cost: $24
WHAT THE...?!!!?!?!!
Apparently, they only use UPS to ship. Since we've been in Hawaii, I've shipped a lot of things. Never, not once, has it cost me $24 to ship something... Let alone a pair of shoes! Talk about a rip off! I was really upset. The shoes I wanted were like $54 to begin with. Do they really expect me to pay almost 50% more for shipping?! If so, they've lost their minds. I know that TOMS sends a pair of shoes to a kid in need for every pair sold, but that's crossing the line.
I had my heart set on these:
But, I ended up buying these from eBay at about half the cost.
I paid $15 for them and then $15 in shipping. Total cost: $30.
What I would have paid by shipping through TOMS: $78
Savings: $38
Thanks, eBay!
Gameday was awesome!!! This was the scene in Norman, Oklahoma yesterday:
I miss football nights like that. Cool, exciting, sunset.... Anyway.
The Sooners played great! I have to say, though, that it wasn't much of a fight. Let's face it, Iowa State vs. Oklahoma isn't exactly the best match up. =P I don't even remember what the final score was. But, I do know that Iowa State never scored and OU totally ran up the score. Eh, whatev. It was good practice. ;-)
Although I'm not a Razorback fan (University of Arkansas for you non-football peeps), I did watch their game against Auburn. True to Razorback fashion, they played a great game up until 4th quarter. They let Auburn get one TD ahead of them...and then another...and then that was it. I was pretty impressed with their backup QB, though! I don't know why in the world he wasn't in the game to begin with! Malett (or something like that) is their starting QB and he got injured in the 3rd quarter, I believe. So they put in Wilson... This guy was dyn-o-mite! I posted something on FB about it and it turns out one of my friends actually went to school with this guy. Apparently, he's always played that well. So, tell me something, UofA coaches, why on earth were you hiding this guy?! The coaches at UofA will never cease to amaze me...
Anyway, I got a very nice surprise when I got on FB this afternoon. Sooners are ranked #1 in the BCS poll!! =D Translation: the Sooners are considered the #1 team in the nation! Heck. Yes!!!!! =D Never been more proud of them! Started out the season at #9 (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong, JG!) and now we're #1! Woohoo!!
And to finish out the football weekend, the Colts won today. =) I prefer college football over the NFL, but the Colts are the one team that I do watch and love.
My hubby's internet has been sooo sketchy the last few days. Major bummer.
*salutes Major Bummer* =P
I think we got in about 5 mins today. While I'm thankful for that 5 mins, we got cut off at a very bad time. Right smack in the middle of a somewhat important conversation, of course. Wouldn't have it any other way. We tried several times to reconnect, but ended up just IM'ing on Skype and then on FB because Skype decided not to cooperate any longer. Oh the joys of deployment.
Here's a pic of us Skyping... It's from a few days ago.
Joe's thinking about switching from the internet he's using now to the service they offer on the base. I just hope it's better. He's been told that it's way better than what he's using now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'd love to have a stable connection for more than a minute or two. You know, I probably wouldn't complain so much if we didn't pay $120 a month for him to have internet. It's hard not to complain when you pay so much to have something and then it doesn't even work half the time.
Well, I guess that's about all the randomness I have for you at the moment. Unless you want to get me started on the Sister Wives season finale.... ;-) Nah, I'll save that one for later.