
11 October, 2010

The First of Many

It was a Wednesday evening. I was at home, sitting at the dressing table in my bedroom, anxiously awaiting his arrival while I was getting ready. Mom was instructed to answer the door because I was running a bit behind. Just like I usually am. I had dressed in a cute shirt, paired with jeans and a pair of super cute black flats. However, I knew that he was coming from a choir-related event and might be dressed up. In that case, I had planned to put on a pair of black dress pants. You know, just in case. I didn't want him to feel overdressed.

*Ding, Dong!*

*gasp* He's here! He's here! I have got to calm down!

[From the living room] Sarah, you better change!

Thanks, Mom! Be right out!

I flew into my closet, grabbed the black pants and changed real quick. I ran out into the hallway and saw him standing in the door way with my mom. He was wearing a suit. Good thing I changed! After a few minutes of chatting, I was escorted to his "granny-mobile" out front. =) It made me feel so much better that he, too, had a "granny-mobile."

We chatted a little nervously as he drove me to our destination. I was informed that he'd brought a change of clothes and that I didn't have to change into black pants. He also thought it was amazing that I had changed so quickly. I probably said something to the effect of, "What... I just changed pants..." What I didn't realize at the time was that he'd never met - or dated - someone who wasn't high maintenance. Those music major chicks are pretty high maintenance. Even if they do look "classy" all the time.

I started to get a little confused as to where we were going when we ended up in the downtown area of the city we attended college in. I wasn't aware that there were any very good restaurants downtown that didn't have a bar attached. I was quickly proven wrong. =)

We pulled up at this cute little place. It was an old train car turned into a diner. Adjacent to the diner is a carousel and ferris wheel. Not big, but small. Super cute, too. We were kind of bummed that the park portion wasn't open. Although, it was October and beginning to get chilly out. 

The diner was super cute inside too. Not very many people were there, and I was sort of thankful for that. The menu was small, which I was also thankful for. Less choices, less time I need to make a decision. I quickly scanned the menu for something good, yet relatively cheap. I always try to save my date money. I figure it's the least I can do. =) I think he was surprised when I chose something not so costly. 

I was so nervous! Luckily for me, he did most of the talking. I would always answer his questions, but I was so nervous I could hardly think straight! Which was weird, because it wasn't like we hadn't hung out before. I think one of the things I loved most was that he would ask me my opinion on things. Not that I'd never experience that, but it was different. Like he genuinely wanted to know. I liked that.

After dinner, we walked back to the car to decide where to go next. We decided on Starbucks. It was chilly, so the evening called for a cup of good coffee and a cozy place to chat for a while. On the way, he said something I'll never forget. 

I'm not sure how we got on the topic, but we ended up talked about God, the church, our beliefs, etc. We had met at an on-campus ministry, so this was normal. I don't remember the surrounding conversation, but this is what I do remember. "I want to love my wife like Christ loves the Church. That's the way it should be." That was when I realized that I could possibly marry this guy. Maybe. One day. I mean, we just started dating. I don't know.

We arrived at Starbucks a few minutes later. Because it was a Wednesday, traffic on the main road of town wasn't insane. {Though, looking back, that traffic is anything BUT insane.} We both got out of the car, and I walked around so that I could walk beside him. A car came in front of us - and I don't know if it was instinct or just want - he grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers between mine. This feels so right...and normal...

We probably spent an hour or so enjoying our drinks (he skipped the coffee and went for Jone's Cream Soda) and just talking, laughing and flirting. Why is it that the coffee portion of the date was less intimidating? After a while, we decided that we were bored but still wanted to hang out. At his request, I called my parents to make sure they were home so we could watch tv. Really? You want to go home with me and WANT my parents to be there too? Aw, he's trying to protect me. So sweet.

He was such the gentleman. Opening doors for me, asking if my parents would be home so we wouldn't "get into trouble." We drove to my house and just sat on the couch for a while watching tv. It was such a sweet night. 

I had no idea that that would be my last first date. =) But, I'm sure glad it was. 

{Taken 4 days after our first date. 10.15.06}

Today, we've been together for 4 whole years. 2 1/2 of them married. =) It's been the most fun, crazy, scary, awesome ride ever! I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I love you, Joe!