Now, I have a funny story for you. I have to preface the story with this, though: I am new to this Army wife thing and I have never, ever lived on post.
Yesterday, Joe didn't get off early like he has been. So, we met up at the PX to grab some dinner. I left the hotel to walk to the PX at like 1645. As I was walking, I heard the daily retreat music being played. As I was walking by the main building of the post, I hear a really really loud BANG!!!! I swear to you, I jumped about 3 feet in the air and yelled HOLY $H!#!!! I totally laughed at myself because I'm sure I looked like a complete idiot to everyone who knew what was going on. I looked over to my left, and whaddya know, they're lowering the flag...which is next to this really big gun/cannon thing. [Joe told me what is was but I already forgot.] Then, everyone stops their cars and alllll the Soldiers get out and salute the flag. I know that as a civilian, I really don't have to stop, but I did anyway just because I didn't want to look out of place. Oooooh, good times. =)
Now, I would like to get your opinion on something.
I have been thinking about creating either a Facebook page or Twitter page for my blog. Just so that when I'm not blogging y'all can keep up with me. And so I don't have to send/receive to everyone on Facebook. I don't have any knowledge whatsoever about Twitter, so I don't know what to think about that. So, if I were to create one of these pages, would you 'like' or follow them? Do you think it's a good idea? If so, which one should I do? Or should I do both? Thanks in advance for your input!!
Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
I really want some pico de gallo!!!!

Haha that's so funny that you told this story! My first few weeks there I was in the commissary and heard the cannon and completely freaked out. I almost started crying thinking maybe we were being bombed! HA! And I wasn't a new army wife...I just never heard it before at our previous duty stations. So, you're not alone. Plus, I'm sure you made someone's day by seeing you jump and the fear on your face. haha. You'll be surprised everyone stops and gets out of the cars to salute. I always stopped. Unless of course I had my hands full of groceries.
Can't wait to see what house you got. And yes, you should get facebook...keep it personal, just the people you want to talk to and read about their lives everyday...although stay away from having anyone from FRG on there. I don't know what unit your hubby will be in, but I don't know of many positive things about any Schofield FRG. If you get it, you should add me though lol
That's too funny. I would have done the same thing!
ugh-the schofield inn--2 months of sheer torture. every time i had finally fallen asleep--taps would play... right outside our window. i think i slept 3 hours a night for our entire stay. also, get used to sirens-there are more ambulance runs on this post than anywhere i have lived. you would think we were dropping like flies around here. our backyard is right next to a huge field they use for PT so my alarm is cadence-every morning. ahhh, the soundtrack of an Army Wife's life-cadence, sirens and canons! :)
That is really funny. The only reason I know what it is is because I visited for a few weeks while Mr. Superman was at Tech School. That is funny as hell though. I would totally follow you and friend you on Twitter or FB!
♥ Mrs. S.
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