If you've been around for a while, you may or may not enjoy this post so I give you permission to leave my blog now. =) If you're new, this post is for you!!! I hope you've taken the time to look around my blog, especially at the "About" page. That's pretty much me in a nutshell. There are things on that page, though, that aren't quite up to date.
Joe and I just moved to Hawaii! We are so excited to be here, but we are soooo ready to have a place of our own again. Luckily, the Army is holing us up in a hotel until we get housing but there's only so much hotel living you can take before you go bonkers. I'm starting to get stir crazy already!!! We are going to view a house on a military reservation that's sort of close in a week, but we're not sure if we are going to accept it. It all just depends on how long it will take Joe to get to/from work and how close grocery stores and things like that are. I prefer to shop at the commissary just because it's so much cheaper. If it takes me a while to get to the commissary and I supposedly have on-post housing, I am not going to be a happy camper.
The hardest part about being here is being so incredibly far from family and friends. The time difference is just ridiculous! I'm constantly trying to figure out what time it is in OK/AR - where my parents, Joe's parents, and my bestie Melissa live - and what time it is in NC, where the rest of Joe's family lives. We are 5 hours behind OK/AR and 6 behind NC. It's difficult. I mean, it's 1000 here so my day is really just starting and it's 1600 in NC so their day is basically over. Bleh! I also really, really miss my
What else is there to tell? I think I'm just going to go with some random information since randomness is my strong suit. =)
Joe and I have will have been married for 2 years this June.
We still act like complete dorks and like couples who have been dating for 2 minutes. =)
I am a Christian, and I am trying to live the life that God wants for me. It's sometimes a difficult road. He never said it would be easy - just worth it.
My bestie is someone who I've known since I was 11 and have had an on-again-off-again relationship with ever since then.
I am seriously attached to my [almost 5 month old] niece, Eden, who I think is the prettiest baby ever. [I'm sure this will change when I have a baby...]
I love to read. My 2 favorite authors are Nicholas Sparks and Karen Kingsbury. I own every book Nicholas Sparks has ever written and have them on display at my house. Well, I did before we moved. I'm working on reading Karen Kingsbury's Baxter series, and highly recommend all of her books.
Dishes are my least favorite chore, although laundry is slowly climbing up that list.
I am terrified of spiders. Illogical, maybe but they're creepy.
I get paranoid when I stay at home by myself at night. Being an Army wife has not helped this in the least.
I have baby fever...enough said.
I like to bake, but I don't always have the best luck with it.
Thanks to my Nana, I learned to cook at an early age and my hubby has enjoyed very few burned dinners. I'm sure he loves her for that. =)
I'm lucky enough to feel like my husband's family is my own. Not all people have in-laws like that.
I love to write [obviously] and would love to make a career of it. I just don't know where to start!
When I do have babies, I want to be a SAHM. Before I got married, I always thought that I would work like my mom did. She did such a great job, I thought that I could too. Now, I couldn't bear the thought of someone else watching my babies grow. God has an amazing way of changing your heart.
Well, that's just a little bit about me!! Hope you've enjoyed my blog so far and continue to stick around for our adventures in Hawaii!!

Okay - I'm reading this post going "me too!" "Me too!" LOL
I can't imagine having to leave one of my pups - I would have cried too - so don't feel bad.
I love NS too and have all of his books. He's my favorite. I haven't heard of the Baxter series - what's it about? I'm always looking for new books.
Steven and I will be married for two years in June too - what date? Ours is the 14th. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.
Anyway - I've really enjoyed reading your blog and hope you're doing great in HI! :)
welcome to hawaii. we have been here about 5 months now. It's different.. I will leave my other thoughts about this island private (for now). I have recently decided that come heck or high water (ironically we were here for the tsunami) I am determined to bloom where I have been planted.
PS-My dogs are coming on Monday. I don't think I have ever been so lonely for their canine companionship in my life! I know how you feel.
That's rough that you had to leave your cute puppy behind but he'll be there soon!
Good luck on the housing! Hope you find a great place!
Being that far away is by far the worst part, but you'll make so many friends and occassionally have the chance to go home. :) We used to live on the "reservation" that you are looking at. We lived on Malohi Road so hopefully you'll get one of those houses and not the crappy apartments. I wish you the best of luck in the house hunting...it took us 6 weeks to find an apt but we did not move on post until we were there for 2 years. I wish u the best and look forward to seeing your pictures soon. Enjoy paradise ;)
I absolutely loved living there except for one thing-lack of security at the gate. When we were there no one was ever at the gate and we complained all the time b/c locals will come on post all of the time and use the shoppette. Plus we had locals follow us home and get into an altercation with my husband...it was horrible. We lived in a house too b/c we had 2 dogs. That's great you're getting house. You'll love it out there. It's sooo quiet, there are cows in the back so it's fun to listen to them and feel like--for just a moment-- you're on the mainland again. Be sure to take advantage of the gym. The gym on Schofield (Martinez gym) near the movie theater has zumba and Shinobu teaches it...she's great! 5 of my best friends still go every Tuesday night. You will love it. The gym on Helemano is NEVER busy so you can always get a good workout in.
I'll be honest traffic can sometimes be hectic. When they are doing construction (and they always are) they started it when we moved there in 07 and still were not finished this year when we left-you can sit in traffic for an hour, but they usually have a detour up towards Haleiwa. It's not that bad any other time though. My hubby always left at 530 to make sure he wasn't late due to traffic, but coming home isn't bad at all. Whatever you do, don't work downtown Honolulu or Waikiki. It's horrible! Traffic on h1 and h2 is horrible (as you've seen) but up towards north shore and HMR is not that bad. You'll love it. If you don't have children don't move on Schofield b/c you most certainly will not get a house so stick to HMR or off post. Good luck andcan't wait to see pics. Maybe you'll get our old home :) my neighbor is one of my best friends!!!
Our move to HI was a whirlwind! We too had to leave our doggie behind. She stayed with our bff's during her quarantine period to get all the shots and proper paperwork taken care of. Four months later, she flew out and I got to get her from the airport.
So, are you thinking of AMR? When we were there last most of the housing was being remodeled. There is a mixture of all services living there. It's really close to the NEX and Hickam too! Also, walking and or jogging around the crater is awesome! IT will provide for a great workout and I believe it's roughly 3 miles around.
Well, I can't wait to see more pics of the island! Miss it dearly!!!
I am pretty sure I've said this before but you are my woman. We have so much in common its ridiculous. We're meant to be :)
♥ Mrs. S.
I have to agree with you - although I'm in Alaska. The hardest part is being SOOOO far from family and friends. Not being able to hop in a car, drive for a day or two and be "home". Even though we're not on an island, I sometimes feel like I'm getting island fever here - with cabin fever added to it. At least you are in a place that hopefully your family and friends will want to come and visit. Nobody wanted to visit me in Alaska!!! :(
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