
05 March, 2010

Hello, Friday!

Ah, Friday is here which means the weekend is near! =) Although, my weekend is going to be interrupted by the Army yet again. Why, you ask? Apparently, they have deemed it necessary that everyone take a survey on Saturday at see how well they like being in the Army. Um, seriously? Only the Army...Only the Army. *sigh*  I really want to sleep in, but I don't want to ask my husband to spend another night in the barracks. So, I suppose that means I'll be getting up early and driving him there...and killing who knows how much time until he's done. Ugh. So much for my plans.

Anyway, I finally uploaded pictures from the Patriot Games! But, I didn't get to take very many because my memory card was full. =( I have a small memory card [that I've apparently had since the stone ages] and I have a bad habit of not deleting photos off of it. So here's the few that I do have from the day. And let me just mention that it was freezing cold!

Charlie Company (Joe's Company) playing Volleyball


I know this shot is really blurry, but it's a nice action shot.

Bravo Company getting ready for D&C. They were amazing. I have a short video I'll try to post soon.
And now, for some random photos. =)

Before Mrs. Muffins was kind enough to "pretty up" my blog, this was me trying to make the combat boots & flip flops shot. =/ Eh, notsomuch.

Bored Army wife doing her husband's laundry --> silly pictures.

I found this in a box of Joe's stuff from when he was a kid. =) Little did his parents know when they gave this to him that he actually would be in the Army. *Crazy!*

This is an ornament we got at The Hermitage (obviously) on our honeymoon. This is the first I've seen it since then. Apparently, I hid it from myself. 

I hope you've enjoyed yet another one of my random posts! Have a happy Friday and a great weekend! =)


JG said...

Um, pretty sure that if I had to take a survey about ANYTHING at 0730, I would not have favorable feelings!

Kathryn said...

haha wow got to love the military. So far the Air Force hasn;t made my husband do that, that I know of! :)

Cute pics! Love that you tried on his uniform, I need to do that!