Her name is Anna. She is my sister in law. =) And I love her. She may not be blood related, but sometimes it really seems that way! Well, to me anyway.
Before I met her, she and her husband were trying to have a baby. I was newly married so I didn’t really understand how hard it could be. This past spring, we (both of my sisters in law and I) were doing a bible/book study. In it was a section about how women believe that they need children to be fulfilled...or something to that effect. I remember her talking about how hard it had been to try and be unsuccessful. She wanted a child, but knew that God would give her a child in His own time. She talked about the struggles of going to the doctor, and trying to lose weight, be better fit, all of the things that women who are trying to get pregnant do. I remember when one day she said, “I can’t let this be the focus of my life.” {Again, paraphrasing!} I suppose God had revealed to her that He would give her the desires of her heart, but first she had to trust Him and not put things in her own timeline. She started selling Mary Kay and was getting very successful at it. Then I heard her say, “You know, I’d really like to go somewhere with this. I can’t imagine getting pregnant right now.”
A week later, we got a phone call....and she was pregnant!!!!! Now, I hadn’t been there for the year and a half or so of her struggles, but I was super excited! A few months later, she found out the baby was a girl. It was so fun to see her and her husband talk about names and pick out stuff for the baby’s room. I could tell that both of them were extremely excited. Even though it wasn’t the easiest pregnancy ever, I’m sure Anna would do it again just to have little Eden. =) Who, might I add, is the cutest little thing ever!!! Her name is Eden Rose, and she made her entrance [4 days late] on December 6th. =D I think her name really shows how much of a blessing she is to both of her parents. I honestly can’t imagine going through so much...and experiencing complete joy once little Eden finally came. Truly a blessing from God! ♥
And now, for the nominations!
1. Melissa -- Crafty Things and Stuff
*because she's my bff and she makes AWESOME stuff!
2. Erin -- The Unexpected Army Life3. Rebecca -- From My Mountain View: Words Works and Rabbit Holes
4. Jamie -- My Life as a Mommy and A New Army Wife
*join the club! Lol!
5. Jamie (J.L.S) -- Better When We're Together *just because I love reading her blog!
thanks so much for the nominations!!
thanks so much for the nomination!! how do i add a link to someone else's blog in one of my posts?
Congratulations on your first Blog award and Thanks for the nomination!!
Thanks! And you are Fabulous!!
I think you live to make me cry all the time! That is so sweet, I feel so special. Thanks for writing about me! I always knew that I would add sisters when Pete and Joe got married, but it is such icing on the cake that I actually like you, LOL! And Caty too, of course. The time you and I got to know each other, especially last summer, was so much fun. You are definitely Joe's perfect match, and I'm so glad you found each other. Thanks for being such a sweetie, and I love ya sista!
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