
07 October, 2009

A New Journey...

Known to the Army as AIT. *sigh* I miss my hubby. It's only been a few days since I saw him, and I'm already going crazy! I suppose part of it is because I got off work early today. Still, though, the house is empty without him here. Joe's classes started today, and apparently, they aren't allowed to take their phones. Which translates as no communication for the entire day. Would someone please tell me how this is different from BCT? I mean, other than the fact that he can call me at night. Outside of that, it feels just like BCT. I still don't know when he's going to call, I still can't talk to him during the day, and I can't text him during the day because he's not allowed to have his phone! This is no fun. =(

There is some slightly good news, though. Joe was told that I am "authorized" to move to Augusta/Ft. Gordon! Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you! Apparently, if AIT lasts 20 or more weeks, spouses are "authorized" to move to be near their Soldier. Now, I have no clue what this "authorized" business entails, but I've got the hubby working on that one! I'm praying that it means the Army will pay for me to move there, but I really don't know. I would love to move down there, even though I don't know a single soul there. If it means I can spend the weekends with him (once he reaches Phase 5, of course), then why not? Especially if the Army is going to pay for it! It's a free move! The other alternative is to do what we planned before we knew this: I would go see him every other weekend and get a hotel. That's not so bad. It's only a 4 hour drive...then there's the cost of the hotel and food for the weekend. Oh, and gas to get there and back. What's a girl to do, though? I've got to see my hubby!

I'm praying about this, but I'm just not sure what God wants me to do. I know that if it's His plan, He'll make a way, but...the not knowing is killing me! I hate that I'm so impatient! If only I could see just a teeny tiny bit of God's plan for me...that would be awesome! I know, wishful thinking. =) I suppose God is just trying - yet again - to teach me some patience. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever learn! I suppose that's just human nature though. So, for now, I'm stuck at home waiting for the hubby to call and praying about moving. Life goes on...