
25 April, 2014


So.... Hi. It's been a while. 

I think this might have been the first time I've taken a completely unexpected blogging hiatus. I can't even really say why, other than to say because life. I was pretty much a crazy person without Joe here in February. I'm still not even really sure how we survived, but we did. Actually, I had help. At least once a week a friend would come over, watch the kids for me, and I'd go get groceries. Twice, the same friend came over and also cleaned my house. She's basically the awesomest person ever. Anyway. It was rough, but we survived. And all the kudos to all my milspouse friends/readers who have done a deployment with a newborn. I can't even imagine.

Once Joe got back the first week of March, life didn't really slow down all that much. The second weekend of March, we drove up to NC to have an early birthday party for Charlotte, and so that part of our family could meet Millie. The following weekend, my parents drove in from Oklahoma and stayed for 4 days. The same week they were here, Joe started ALC. The weekend after that was Charlotte's actual birthday. 

Millie and our oldest niece, Eden.

Charlotte before her birthday party in NC.

My mom with the girls. 

And that brings us to April. 

So, yeah. It's been nuts around here. I'm hoping that I'll be able to find a few minutes here and there to get back to blogging again. I've missed it!! And I have a few things planned, so stay tuned! :)

And here's hoping more than 3 people are still reading this thing... ;-) 

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