How far along: 32 weeks - holy moly!
Weight gain/loss: About the same as last time... I haven't gained any since I started the GD diet {and Joe has lost about 5 pounds since he's doing it with me...mostly}. I guess there's something to be said for cutting carbs!
Body changes: Nothing new... I have one, maybe two more stretch marks and the belly is definitely getting bigger.
Weight gain/loss: About the same as last time... I haven't gained any since I started the GD diet {and Joe has lost about 5 pounds since he's doing it with me...mostly}. I guess there's something to be said for cutting carbs!
Body changes: Nothing new... I have one, maybe two more stretch marks and the belly is definitely getting bigger.
I surprised my hubby a bit and dressed up a little for him for Valentine's Day. =)
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Movement: Lots, lots, lots! She makes my belly move all the time! Her most active times are still at night and in the morning... Today she was super active right after I ate lunch. Guess she liked the spicy food I had! =)
Sleep: Still okay. I've been going to bed a little later recently which means I sleep a little harder when I do sleep. The preggo pillow I bought forever ago is my saving grace. I still get up once or twice a night for a bathroom break, but after this long I'm used to it.
What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower in a few weeks! I got some messages from friends who got their invites today, which made me super excited! =D
What I miss: Definitely sleeping on my stomach. I will enjoy every minute of tummy sleeping once she gets here. I also still miss sweets. I can have them, but only in very small amounts. Sigh. Only 8 more weeks though!
Cravings: Everything I can't have. =P Sunday night I really, really, really wanted a bowl of ice cream.
Symptoms: Back and hip pain, and - new this week - Braxton Hicks! So far, they've actually kind of hurt... Sort of like rough cramps...but they don't last very long. Guess my body is getting ready!
Best moment this week: I have several! Being able to eat a fun-size Milky Way with a meal. =P Getting my pretty Valentine's Day tulips! Oh, and getting this coffee table for $20.
I really wanted a square/rectangle coffee table, but I think this one will do just fine. And, really, who can complain about getting a coffee table for twenty dollars?! I finally feel like we have a nice, put-together living room. Well, other than the fact that we have an extra couch still... Anyway.
Despite not going out, we had a very lovely V-Day evening. =) I made Joe a card and put some cute little decorations on the table...
No worries - I moved my flowers elsewhere for dinner because they're leaning over. =P
And I made this for dinner:
With these:
And then some green beans to go with. Turns out it was pretty delicious! If I'd thought about it, I would have had Joe stop for a bottle of wine. A good red would have made this dinner a-mazing. Then we plopped on the couch and enjoyed each other's company for a while. Now he's in bed and I'm, well, here...not in bed. =P
Hope y'all had a great V-Day!
P.S. Does anyone else have trouble viewing the title of my post(s) and sidebars? I haven't seen them for days and have no idea what's going on...