
16 February, 2012

Sew Crazy

Apparently I've gone on a little bit of a sewing craze since finding out I was preggo. I was going through drawers in the dresser I'm going to use for baby girl the other day and decided I'd rearrange things a bit. So naturally I pulled out all the stuff I've made. I really didn't realize I'd done so much already. =P

Here's {almost} all of what I've made:

Since you can't really see all of it {because holy wow at all the pink!}, I'll break it down for you. Here, we have four rectangle burp cloths. All but one are pink on the front...and all of them have pink flannel on the back. =P

4 more burp cloths. 2 rounded and 2 square-ish. The square-ish ones were a preggo brain accident. The rounded ones match a quilt I made.

Rag quilt and super cute and girly blanket:

Apparently I did a better job on the pink blanket than I thought, because it's the perfect size for a crib!

 {Side one}

{Side two}

Here's a little sneak peek of the quilt I'm currently working on. All I have left to do is bind it, but I have no desire to do so at the moment. That's mostly because it'll require me to be in the floor pinning it together. Big preggo on the floor, pinning fabric....not really a good combo.

Last, but not least, I made a diaper clutch!! I mostly followed this tutorial, if you're interested. I goofed a little on the one I made, but it turned out okay I guess.

If nothing else, at least the fabric is really cute!! And, hey, it will get used. So I guess it's not a total loss. ;-) I'm sure I'll think of a few more projects to do before she gets here, but I think I've done all the sewing I'll need to for her for right now. I think. 

That said, I just got told that they increased Joe's WLC by one I get to spend 21 days a month before my due date by myself ,which could mean more projects to keep me busy. Start praying hard that baby girl won't decide to show up too early. He'll be here on the island, but I don't know what will happen if I go into labor while he's in the field... And I really don't even want to think about it. 

Oh and it looks as if he won't be able to go to at least one of the two child birthing classes I have scheduled... :-/ I have to have a partner to go with me too... Anyone want to go?!