You know how they say "when it rains, it pours?" Well... I'm pretty sure that's accurate, at least it feels that way lately.
First, I fail the glucose test. Then my aunt gets put in the hospital. Then I fail the second glucose test and get diagnosed with GD. Then my aunt passed away... Somewhere in there, we found out about the longer shifts Joe's going to be working and that he's going to WLC. Then last week I have the high blood pressure issue, get sent to L&D, and home to do a 24 hr urine collection {which I'm doing today and loathe...super yuck}.
That brings us to today. Apparently the entire Army stationed on this island participated in the Great Aloha Run this year. Because thousands of people participate in this 8 mile run, you have to get there early. And groups have to get there even earlier. Busses left the post at like 2am today... So Joe got up at midnight in order to get ready and get there for accountability and all that stuff. Bleh. Because I'm me, I worried about him not eating, then running with thousands of other people. Seriously, I was terrified he'd fall during the run or something.
He called me at like 11 this morning {after they'd gotten back to post and everything}, telling me he was getting his shoulder looked at. Geesh. To be honest, I wasn't so worried. Turns out he can put on a pretty good "face" for me over the phone. {And of course now I'm wondering how often that happened while he was deployed...} They gave him some pretty heavy painkillers and one of his friends brought him home. It wasn't until he walked in the door in a sling, with ice packs and glassed over eyes that I really grasped the fact that something was actually wrong.
We're still not sure what the heck happened with his shoulder. They took X-rays, but won't have the results until tomorrow morning. They sent him home with some pain meds to take because, holy wow was he in pain. You really have to know my husband - he doesn't go to the doctor or ask for pain meds unless he's REALLY in pain. So, to have him come home all drugged up with 3 different prescriptions... Yeah, I was a little freaked out. Fortunately, he took a nap and woke up more like himself. {Read: not nearly as drugged. =P}
I feel so bad for him... He has no clue if he did something while running or if it's a weird, random muscle spasm. The really not-so-great part about this is that I'm kind of large. =P It's not easy for me to do things around the house, and sometimes I need help! Shoot, half the time I need help getting off the couch! And, being pregnant, I don't always feel normal. I felt crummy all afternoon. Couldn't tell you exactly what was wrong, but I just couldn't keep going. From laundry to dishes, to taking care of my injured hubby... It was a lot.
I guess I'm just worried that he's actually injured and won't be back to normal for a while. If that's the case, my house may be looking like a wreck pretty soon. And really, did we need something else to worry about right now!? GD, possible {but not really likely - at least I think so} preeclampsia, and a hurt hubby. *sigh*
Here's hoping for nothing eventful between now and the end of March.