It's OK...
...to be excited about having a rainy day when most days in the Land of Aloha are sunny and hot. I seriously can't wait for the rainy season! {aka winter}
...to feel a little guilty about having a cup of coffee today to help my sore throat. I know caffeine during pregnancy is allowed but I feel better about myself if I don't have it.
...to lay around in PJs and not get anything done because I've randomly come down with what seems to be a cold.
...to look at designs for my Silhouette and not download any of them because I'm too indecisive.
...to feel cut off from the world when Twitter goes down. It was down for an hour yesterday and I felt seriously out of the loop!
...to overshare with your bestie because who else are you going to talk with these things about?!
...to watch reruns of your favorite shows over and over and over again because you just can't get enough. I'm guilty of watching Charmed and Grey's Anatomy alllll the time. Thanks Lifetime and WE! ;-)
...to have daily Skype sessions with your bestie who lives about 7000 miles away...and to play with her baby via Skype. =) What would I do without my computer?!
...when it looks like the Army threw up in your living room. Thankfully my hubby is home to clean up after his Army self. =P
Unrelated note: It looks like I'll be starting up the Fall Foto Contest again! I'm glad so many people are interested in it. I'm sure I'll post about this again later, but as of right now I'm thinking of starting it on October 7 {which means I'd need to have photos emailed to me by the 6th}. If you think I should wait a week because fall doesn't necessarily start that early in October let me know! =)
YOU WATCH CHARMED??? How did I not know this????
Love this. I think these are all totally A-OK :) Especially watching Grey's Anatomy re-runs and playing with babies via skype - common occurrences around here, let me tell ya!
Totally OK!!! I'm so indecisive about craft projects lately. That's how I ended up in AC Moore and Michael's three times in a week. :-)
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