
16 October, 2010

A Friendly PSA

Before we get to the PSA portion, I need to answer a question regarding the FFC.

I've been asked several times if it's acceptable to enter a photo weekly. Yes. You can enter weekly, even if you've already won. Unless, of course, you've won several times. But, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. If you have any more questions about the FFC, visit the rules page first.

Now, for the PSA.

I know JG has blogged about this a few times, but we may or may not have the same readers so I figured I needed to do it too. =)

Have you ever left a comment on my (or someone else's) blog and wondered why you never got an answer or reply? I wondered the same thing when I started blogging. All these people were getting emails and responses and I wasn't getting any! Sad face. The reason for this was I didn't have my reply-to email set! Of course, I didn't realize this for a while. When you don't have your reply-to email sent, this is what I see when you leave a comment and I get an email:

GI Jane

This gives me a major sad face. *salutes Major Sad Face* (LOL! If you watch How I Met Your Mother, this would make sense.) Now the question is: 

How do I fix this? 

Step 1: Log into Blogger. On your dashboard, this is what you should see:

See the big pink arrow pointing to "Edit Profile?" 
That's where you need to click!

Step 2: On the Edit Profile page, scroll down until you see this:

If you haven't set your email address, this box will probably be blank. 
All you have to do is type your address in there! 

Step 3: Save! Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. 

Click that little button and you're done!

See, now wasn't that easy?! The next time you leave me (or anyone else) a comment, I can reply to you via email instead of being forced to comment back on my own blog (which I really don't like doing) or just ignoring your comment altogether. I really don't like doing that either. 

If you do this, I swear to you it will make my day! =D

Happy Gameday!