Apparently, I have a "sweet blog"! Yay! =D
The only rules are to pass it along...which - as you know - is always the hardest part! I think I'll share with some new blogs. =)
3. Sara @ Welcome to the Blog of an Army Wife
4. Shannon @ Fort Cox: An Airman, His Bride, & Our Westie
Whew! That was hard!
And now, for the stickies. My bestie has been trying to convince me for years - quite literally - to conform to her list making ways. So, this is my version. I love stickies. Every time I wonder into the office supplies section at WalMart, Target, etc, I have this insane urge to buy more post-its! I'm not sure what the obsession is, but I do use them. They can be found all over the desk, on the fridge, on the calendar, and sometimes on the mirror. I am forgetful. Stickies help me. They help me accomplish things too. =) Wanna see what's on my list of things to do? Of course you do! ;-)
PS- Thanks to Amber at The Survival Guide for the Young, Fabulous, and Newlywed for the website!!!
I seriously love stickies!!!! Ok, enough of that. =)
So, when we found out that Joe was getting [*gulp*] deployed my bestie and I started planning what to do and where to go on my birthday. Joe will be missing it by about 2 weeks. =( When I realized I would be alone on my birthday I got really upset. I don't usually take my birthday so seriously, but I think because I know I won't be spending it with him, it's now a big deal. Weird, huh? So, we thought about both of us going to CA because her grandpa lives there. I've never been to CA and she lived there for a while and then visited just about every year after that. She knows her way around. Good idea, right? Right. But, it's like $800 for me to get there and like $400 for her. Ouch, on my part. Then we got to really thinking. Or, I did. What if you came to Hawaii instead, Melissa? I could pay for would beat paying $800 to go to CA. Come on, who gets the chance to visit Hawaii for basically nothing?! And off our brains went planning her trip to Hawaii. =) All that we need now is her hubby to say yes!! {Neither of us plan trips or spend over like $100 without ok-ing it through our hubbies. Don't judge =P; it's part of our beliefs that married couples should make decisions together.}
I am super excited and hope that her hubby will 'let' her come visit! We both sorta think he will, and I told her that I'd be mad at him if he didn't. Like he cares, but...hey, that's the only threat I've got! Lol!!! So, now that my next...two months[ish] are planned...what to do this weekend?
***P.S. Don't forget to go HERE and vote for my What Does It Mean? milspouse post!!
Happy Friday, y'all!

Love the post its! Sounds like you have a busy two months!
I was literally reading your post as you were leaving me a comment! Thank you so so so much. You are such a sweetheart. I'm sorry Joe is missing your bday. Id have had the same reaction. I hope your bff can come visit!!
That's great that you'll be getting to see family soon!
Aw Thank you for the award! Very Sweet! Btw your house looks very lovely and homey! I am sure you will enjoy it!
Visiting from Lady Blogger's TEa Party Social. I hope you get to spend your birthday with your bestie. And good luck with the BIL visit.
Hi There! I'm visiting also from the Lady Blogger's Tea Party Social. I enjoyed reading through your blog. You and your GI Joe are my hero's during this time. Keep up the smiles!
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