I seriously hate taking him back. I'm also seriously getting stressed about PCSing and the imminent deployment. Since he's going to Hawaii {unless his orders get changed}, it's highly likely he'll get deployed this summer. We know of 2 units getting deployed: 1 in June, and another in July. *sigh* I'm really worried about it...probably because it's the first. Then there's the actual PCS. And the fact that it takes 5 bazillion forms and 7 bazillion dollars to get my precious
Every time I start to worry about our finances, moving, and deployment...I know that God is telling me not to worry. There have been several times lately during my nightly Bible study and prayer that God has given me those verses in Matthew 6 where He talks about not worrying about tomorrow. He reassures us that, as he takes care of the sparrow, He will take care of us. I'm a worrier. I fret, I worry, I fear. Not because I want to, but because it's in my nature. I know he's trying to change this part of me so that I will rely on Him more...but, oh it's so hard! You'd think it'd be so easy to just say, "Here God. Take my worries, I leave them up to You." And then not deal with it anymore. But that's not the way it goes. Usually, I say "take my worries" and then hours, sometimes days, later I'll say "but, God...what about this....what about that....what if this happens?" The cycle starts over again. I want to have that kind of faith and trust, and I think I'm getting there, but man is it tough!
Oh, I went to patriot games Friday afternoon on post! It was fun, but freezing cold! I'll be sure to share pictures with you tomorrow! Hope ya'll have a good week!
I hear you. This whole experience has really taught me what it means to wait on God and really trust in His timing. But you can do it, because He will take care of you. :)
I hear ya! I'm in the whole waiting on God and it's tough not having control, not gonna lie. Prayers and hugs friend!
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