I had a follow-up appointment with a nutritionist yesterday afternoon for GD. I had to keep a {detailed} food journal for a week and take it in with me, along with my blood sugar log. My goal for the week was to really follow the "diet," which sometimes meant not eating all the carbs I could have had. That was mainly because I was worried I'd overeat or we didn't have anything in the house that sounded good at the time.
I'm not gonna lie, I was terrified that I'd go into the appointment and get criticized for what I'd eaten. We at at McD's twice and some of my snacks weren't exactly the healthiest. Thankfully, the LTC wasn't critical of my food choices at all! Basically, all he wanted to see was how what I was eating was affecting my blood sugar. We went over all my big meals {I guess those are the most concerning?}, and checked to see what my sugar was after each one. I only had one day where I went over by a few points, and apparently that was because I had a snack too close to mealtime. I thought it was something I had eaten, but nope! So now I have to be a bit more careful of when I eat...which I'm pretty sure I can handle. Then, he said the best thing I've heard since that nurse called to tell me I have GD.
Yeah, you don't need to come back and see me. You're doing fine.
*insert Allelujah chorus here*
Y'all, I about did a little happy dance right there in his tiny little office!! No meds for me!! But wait! It gets better. Because my blood sugar isn't really remotely high after big meals {lunch and dinner} I get to have more carbs!!! It's not much more {only up to 50 from 45}, but I will definitely take what I can get! Not only did he tell me I can have more carbs at big meals, but I also get to have a bigger bedtime snack. I had a few morning {fasting} lows, so more snack for me! And we also talked about how I can get a little bit of sweet stuff back in my diet. 'Cause, seriously, I'm pregnant. I wants the sweet stuff. I can have it with dinner/lunch, but I have to count the carbs with my meal. I'll take it! And I'm pretty sure it'll make me less miserable/cranky about not being able to have sweets. =P
So, yeah, yesterday afternoon was pretty freakin' awesome.
Then we went to an FRG meeting last night. They had a silent auction to raise funds, which turned out to be kind of awesome. I was expecting not to bid on anything, but I bid on a couple things and Joe did too. The one thing I really wanted was a Thirty-One bag. I love me some Thirty-One, but I don't buy much usually because it's a tad pricey unless you have a party. Anyway. I bid on it and kept my fingers crossed while we waited for it to be over.
Y'all. I won it!! Of course that meant I had to pay for it, but I'm pretty sure I bid under what I'd pay for it anyway. Check out the utility tote which I'll be using for a diaper bag once little missy gets here:
I think it'll be a great diaper bag, even without pockets on the inside.
Joe bid on a "basket" that was basically a game night... I still can't believe he won. Now we have to figure out what to do with all the crap we won't/can't eat. =P
Not pictured is a case of Mountain Dew. Sigh.
Yesterday was pretty awesome. I even got to eat a piece of pizza at the meeting last night and it didn't do any kind of damage to my blood sugar. =) It was only one piece, but I'll take what I can get. Counting carbs is kind of like counting calories... Once you find out how many are in certain foods, it kind of blows your mind.
Here's to 8ish more weeks of GD with no meds, more carbs and sweet stuff!