
27 September, 2011

Goings On

Thanks for all the super sweet comments on my first baby bump picture post! =) I'm pretty excited that I'm starting to look pregnant and not just feel it.

However, there are at least a couple people out there that thought I shouldn't be showing yet. One of them is my own mother. The other is a girl I went to high school with. I posted the very same baby bump pictures you saw on Facebook on Sunday. I figured it was time and I knew that some family who don't read my blog would like to see as well. Then came the question every pregnant woman wants to hear:

Are you sure there aren't two in there?

*sigh* Really? I posted an ultrasound picture. Do you see two babies in there?! NO. Just because I'm already showing doesn't mean that I'm having twins. It also doesn't mean that I've gained too much weight during my first trimester. I wasn't a freakin' supermodel before I got pregnant and anyone who's seen pictures of me in - let's say - the last year would know that. UGH. I'm not sure if it bothered me more that my mom asked that or that the girl from high school (who is also not a supermodel) did. Either way, it upset me. Because, come on. I posted an ultrasound picture. We've heard one heartbeat. It's just one baby. One baby that is growing in my belly and pushing it out. So asking if I'm sure I'm not having twins is just plain hurtful. And for the record, I totally cried. Hello, hormones!

Fortunately, I had my first real (as in not just meeting with a clueless nurse) OB appointment yesterday. =) It wasn't all fun - because who really likes a full exam of the land south of the border - but it was a good appointment nonetheless. I found out that I've only gained 3 pounds (woohoo!), I'm measuring right on target at 12 weeks, and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was a little sad that 1) we didn't get an ultrasound, but I did expect that and 2) that she didn't let me listen to the heartbeat for very long. I know that she heard what she needed to, but I could have listened all day! It was a nice, strong heartbeat - 170. =) Joe said it sounded like our baby was running a marathon, LOL!

So after I found out I'm measuring on target and that I've only gained 3 pounds - which is very normal - I felt super justified. I mean, I still don't want anyone to basically tell me I'm fat but at the same time I know that I'm not and that I'm also not having twins. The next time anyone asks that I think I'm just going to tell them to talk to my doctor. =P

After my appointment, Joe and I met up with a lady to buy a bouncy seat! There's a Facebook group just for the post we're at where people put up pictures and sell all kinds of things. I was randomly looking on there Monday and found the bouncy seat for $15. Can you say "steal"? So of course I messaged the lady and set up a time to meet at the PX. That really worked out great for both of us because she was going to an appointment at the clinic (which is pretty much next door) and I was coming from the clinic. =) It's kind of boyish (which will be great if we do have a boy), but I think it will do for a girl too. What do you think?

Honestly, I was just really excited to buy something for the baby. I feel a little more comfortable buying things now that we're in the "safe zone" of the 2nd trimester. I know it's a little silly to think that way, but the pessimistic side of me just can't help it.

Tomorrow, Joe and I are going to a marriage retreat held downtown. We didn't get "accepted" to go to the last one, so we're pretty excited about getting to go. And Jasper gets to stay with one of his most favorite people while we're in the hotel. =) I don't think I've ever seen this dog get more excited about seeing someone than he is when he sees Annie! It's too cute. And I'm glad to know that he'll have a good time and be taken care of while we're "gone." Hopefully I'll have a fun update or two while we're at the marriage retreat.

Hope your week is off to a great start!