Not so many people were able to participate last week. Most of you had good excuses, so I'll let it slide. ;-) I'm happy to report that we have nine people participating this week!! Woohoo!!! I'll chalk that up to some really good advertising at the end of last week. =) Thanks to all of you who have grabbed the FFC (Fall Foto Contest) button and have blogged about the contest and/or your photos. You guys are awesome!!!
Okay, without further ado, here are this week's photos!!
Photo by Allison
Photo by Amber [from Goodnight Moon]
Photo by Canadian Blogger Girl
Photo by Jessica
Photo by Jessica Lynn
Photo by Julie
Photo by Lacey
Photo by Melissa
Photo by Via
The quality of the photos this week is amazing! Thanks to all of you who participated! And if you wanted to participate but couldn't for whatever reason, don't worry. There's always next week. (Until Nov. 26th, anyway. =))
Okay, the voting is going to be a little bit different this week. Last week, I had everyone comment and vote for their favorite photo. While that worked, it wasn't exactly the best option. This week I'm going to put up a poll on the right sidebar underneath the FFC button. The poll will close at 12:00 a.m. EST on Friday. So, you better get to voting!!
I can't wait to see who the winner is!