
17 September, 2010

Uh.Maz.Ing. Day

I've had so many bad and blah days in the last several weeks, but today was definitely NOT one of them. Maybe I was due for a good one? =)

The day started off at 0600 when I attempted to talk to Joe. His internet has been seriously sketchy lately and it's worse at that hour. So, after about 30 minutes of frustration and waiting I gave up and went back to sleep. I slept pretty soundly too. =) Anyway, after breakfast and a shower, I headed out to meet Chantal {from A Blog a Day While You're Away} for my very first spouse's club luncheon.

There was a big sign up event a few weeks ago that I completely forgot about, but Chantal was nice enough to add me as a guest for today's luncheon so I could go and see what it's all about. We met up at 1030 and looked around at several vendors' booths before heading inside. I also met a few of her friends. =) During the luncheon, I got a whole bunch of information and met several sweet ladies. I had SUCH a great time!! All the ladies I met were super nice, the food was good (always a bonus), and well, it just seemed like a great way to get out and see FACES! I have a hard time really getting out and's part of that whole introverted/shy thing.

So, after finding out about all the things I can sign up to do within the spouse's club, I was sold. Immediately after the luncheon, I signed up and also signed up to do a few things that they the book club. =) I haven't really read much lately, but I do like to read and I love talking about the books I've read. Plus, I heard that a historical fiction book is in the near future... ;-) And you all know how much I love me some historical fiction! Hehehe.

While I was signing up [and playing with babies], I got invited to go to a Pampered Chef party hosted by one of Chantal's friends. This was just a continuation of the awesomeness!! Not only were there kitchen gadgets, but there was some really good wine, food and girl talk involved!!! =D I found a new wine I like, which is always a bonus for my hubby, Mr. Wine Connoisseur. Seriously, there was some great girl talk happenin' tonight. I soooo missed that! I do have other friends here, but...I don't know... Maybe I'm actually coming out of my introverted shell and enjoying new people. =) Their hubbies are deployed too, so I'm sure that might have had something to do with it. I ordered a few things, too. Unfortunately, after the party, I got an email from Joe telling me that I could spend as much as I wanted to at the party. Serious sad faces. I soooo could have spent more money!!!!

I can't tell you how excited I am to have met more friends!! {Well, I hope they're going to be friends with me. LOL!} I've also been invited to dinner on Saturday. Sooo excited about that! I may have to miss a football game, but as long as I can see my Sooners play I'll be alright. Hehe . =)

I finished the day with a Skype talk (audio, no video *sigh*) with my hubby. I wish his internet would cooperate. I was super excited about my day and really wanted to share it with him. I did, but it just took about 9 times longer than usual. I suppose it doesn't really matter, though. I did get to talk to him. I did have a fantastic day. I did meet some great people. I am looking forward to future meetings and girl talk sessions. =) It's nice to hang out with other people who are going through the same thing I am. Makes me feel less alone...and less crazy. =P

Hope y'all had a great day too! If you didn't, cheer up! It's almost the weekend!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had a great day!! I bet meeting other military spouses and getting to know people will really make this deployment so much easier on you.

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Yay! Glad to hear you had a great day!!

Renee said...

Yea for having a great day! I hope they continue!
It's wonderful that you et so many new people and are getting out and about in your new surroundings. Having a major support system will definately help until Joe gets home.

The internet in the sandbox sucks - in a huge way. I don't know about Joe, but I know Rich pays $70/month for internet and half the time it's not even working - the other half of the time it's crappy!

Enjoy your weekend!

Chantal said...

I had a great time too! Looking forward to Saturday. :D