After 2 months of me promising you lovely readers of mine, the giveaway is finally here!!!!!!!
I figured that since Friday was my birthday, it was about time I did something for y'all. =)
Are you ready for it?
One of you lucky readers will win:
- a super cute Hawaii tote bag {I mean, who couldn't use another tote?!}
- a nut lei with pink flowers {I love these way more than the flower leis}
- and a 2011 calendar with some great photos of Hawaii
So, I bet you're asking "How do I enter for these lovely things?"
1. You must be a follower. Make sure you leave a comment telling me you're a follower.{But please, don't just click the "follow" button because you want to win something.}
2. Leave a comment, sharing your favorite vacation memory.
3. Head over to my Twitter page (link is on the right) and follow me there. But, don't forget to leave me a comment here first!
4. This one is for those of you who gave me shout-outs back in April during my "follower drive". Be sure to leave me a comment for each shout-out you did for me {if you can remember...}! =)
{Please leave a separate comment for EACH entry! Thanks! =)}
{Please leave a separate comment for EACH entry! Thanks! =)}
Giveaway ends on July 18 at 2400 EST (midnight for you non-military peeps)!!
Hi! Cutteee giveaway! I am a follower!
My favorite vacation memory is probably the first cruise me and my family ever went on. It was so peaceful and relaxing and it just made me forget about everything else in the world!
I'm a loyal follower! {one entry}
My favorite vacation memory is when I went to visit Al in Texas. We went on many trips but this one was special because of how much fun we had with no "vacation pressure." We didn't really GO anywhere or DO anything. I remember when we decided to hike the mountain I realized at the top how badly I had to pee. I knew I wasn't going to make it back down, so I decided to pee outside. This is something I never do so I ended up peeing on my shoe. I was laughing so hard I couldn't control where the pee was going so I just made a complete mess. At this point Al was laughing equally hard. On our way home, we stopped at DQ for a treat. The drive-thru wasn't really labeled properly, so we ended up going through backwards. Most people would correct it, right? Nope. Al thought it was funny. By the time we got to the window I was hysterical. The person working must've thought I was handicapped since I was laughing with tears streaming down my face sitting in my own pee!
And yet, I had so much fun just being comfortable in my own skin with the man I loved...
1.) I follow you. Actually, I think the term would have been creeper before I actually met you, HAHAHA. A girl has to check up on her old friend's love, ya know! ;P Pretty sure you did more than pass. You're perfect for each other. <3 I wish I could follow you to Hawaii though, haha.
2.) A favorite or just the most memorable? Well, it's probably both. **Scene: Our wedding rehearsal dinner in Indianapolis, sitting across from my father as he explains, "No, Rebecca, your original birth certificate is in my safe in NC; you have a copy." And realizing that our plan to road trip directly from IN to FL to catch our cruise ship had now gotten more complicated. Quite a few more necessary hours would be added to our trip to drive over to NC to get my needed identification.
**Scene: skipping our wedding night to drive...getting my certificate in NC on Sunday at lunch time...immediately leaving to make the then 12 hour drive to Fort Lauderdale.
**Scene: Monday morning at bad directions to our the ghetto (there's a ghetto in Ft. Lauderdale? Yes.); Realize we were also given the wrong name AND number for our hotel; travel agency is not open in the middle of the night; did I mention that our hotel has our CRUISE VOUCHERS??? Going on little sleep; totally haven't had our "wedding night" yet that we've both waited for each other our entire lives for; driving for 4 hours in Fort Lauderdale, searching.
**Scene: found our hotel; crashed for 45 minutes; got up to catch the shuttle to the port; made the ship (that was just a "transport" ship to Grand Bahama Island, so it was QUITE rocky); I had to by Dramamine; we paid $60 just to rent a teeny tiny cabin on board so we could crash again for the 8 hour cruise...woke up realizing the boat had docked and we were some of the only ones still on board!
**Scene: Realizing that our resort is wonderful but far away from everything on the island and to get anywhere we have to pay a taxi; and we finally enjoy ourselves ;) late that Monday.
It was chaotic. But somehow it was wonderful. We were together. :)
3.) I also stalk, I mean follow your twitter. haha
4.) Umm...I know I gave you at least 3 shout outs back since I *think* there were more but can only remember positively 3...let's go with that. :D
Okay...umm, you said leave a comment for EACH shout out? Okay then, here's #2. (Just wanna make sure I'm followin the rules, lol)
Heeerrrreee's #3. (Go me, followin the rules. Sorry, please pay NO attention to the woman in an uncharacteristic crazy mood. We'll blame it on being pregnant. How about that?)
how fun!!
I hope you can participate in the contest I'm hosting!
Oh my gosh! Freaking yay! :) i'm so excited! And of course I'm a follower!
Gosh, favorite memory? Um...pretty much any time we were to Disney :) But seriously, the first night of our first trip - our honeymoon - and they did the fireworks and played our song, and I saw SoldierMan get caught up in the magic. It was so special!
And according to my post search, I only gave you two shout-outs, but I'm pretty sure it was three.
But since I can only find two, I will only enter for two. :) Fair is fair.
Gah! I want it!! The nut lei is fabulous! Duh I'm a follower :)
We're twitter lovers too!!
My favorite vacay memory? I was going to say our "second" honeymoon a few months after we got married. We went to Cali and had a blast but I had pneumenia so there were some yucky days too. I'm going to go with last November, when Mr. Superman came back from BMT and Tech school. He had missed our anniversary but had surprised me by booking an beach front room in Panama City Beach, FL. We stayed there for two days and a night on our way to our duty station. It was perfect and incredible and amazing.
I am unsure of how many shout outs I gave so count this as one and I will go search!
Okay I posted 3 so this is my second one!
And this is my 3rd one. I pink puffy heart you!
I'm a follower!!
I'm also a follower on twitter!
My favorite vacation memory happened in LA. Seeing LA from the Griffith Observatory at night was AMAZING!
You are great girl! That tote bag is too cute! I am already a follower, and i'll become your friend on twitter so we can chat more -:)
I'm a follower!
My favorite summer memory is this past summer, when David (the love of my life) and I took a 7 dsy Western Caribbean cruise :)
One of my fav vacay's was a trip to this local lake. My friend and I listened to Big & Rich all the way there. Then we see these guys do a donut in the middle of the interstate!! And we caught the biggest fish without even trying!!
I'm a follower.
I did 1 shameless plug for you ;)
My favorite vacation memory was Kenya! It was a service vaca, but absolutely amazing. Nothing like it!
I'm also a follower ;)
And I just requested to follow you on twitter! I did not know you had one! I love finding my bloggy friends on the tweetler.
I follow!
The year before I graduated college, my family went to Atlantic beach. It was our last family vacation to the beach before everyone got married and it was the best vacation :-)
You know I am a follower!
and now I follow you on twitter (ashley_enderton)
my favorite vacation (or one of them) would have to be to Mykonos, Greece. Dave and I, and some friends, rented scooters and the wives rode holding on to their husbands while they drove. And we zig zagged up and around all these country roads of Greece. And their way of living is less "civilized" than ours that we were riding my turkeys, and roosters, and ostrichs, and goats in the middle of the road. And finally we ended up at this surreal beach with the warmest sand, bluest water, and most delectable food you could ever imagine.
I am for sure a follower!
My favorite vacation memory was this past summer when we traveled Italy for two weeks. We went to Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, Verona, Siena, and Pisa. It was the best time, and I ate some of the best Italian food! I took back many memories of that place and some traditions that I hope to keep for a lifetime.
I sent a request to follow you on twitter. My name is Maemae884.
I just gave you a shout-out! Check out my blog!
I also realized I was supposed to leave a message for EACH entry and earlier I put the two together. So, this is my second comment from above so that I have three separate comments indicating my three separate entries. Whew!
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