It's that time again! Head over to MannLand5 and link up so I can get to you know you, too!
The questions...
1. If a person has a booger in their nose. and you can see it, do you tell them?
It depends on how well I know the person. One of my close friends, my husband, or family members: yes. If it's someone I don't know...probably not. Lol!
2. What are you passionate about?
Wow. This is a toughie! I'd love to say that I'm passionate about my faith, and my dedication to a Christ-like life...but I'm not perfect. It's just so hard and lately I've been feeling very disconnected. And - I'll be honest here - it's probably my fault for not keeping up the Bible study and prayer like I should. Part of it is laziness and the other part is that trying to find a new church to connect to is really, really hard. Other things I suppose I'm passionate about: my hubby, scrapbooking, reading, spending time with family, and spoiling my niece. =)
3. How long have you been blogging?
One year in September. Guess I'm still kind of a newbie. =)
4. What is your favorite "summer" drink?
Hmm. I don't think I have one! Most
5. What is your favorite type of music?
Wow, these are really hard today! I listen to all kinds of music. If I'm in the car, most likely I'll be listening to Christian music. I like to stay as plugged-in to the Word as possible (even if my prayer life isn't what it should be). I love country music. I grew up on it, sue me. I like pop, but I'm not a big fan of rap...mainly because their lyrics are way too suggestive. Some of my favorites: Casting Crowns, MercyMe, Hillsong, Jared Anderson, Chris Rice, Flyleaf, Relient K, Kutless, Leeland, Brandon Heath, Matthew West, Need to Breathe, Sanctus Real.... Rascal Flatts (I'd die to see them in concert!), Taylor Swift (love her), Garth Brooks, Reba, Brooks and Dunn (so sad they broke up!), Lonestar, Keith Urban, Carrie Underwood... I'm gonna stop here because this could go on forever!
6. Something I do before I go to bed is......?
Lotion up! I once read that your skin loses most of its moisture at night, so I always put lotion on before bed. Joe calls it "lotionizing," lol!
7. My Summer vacation plans are...?
Non-existent? I live in Hawaii. But, my bestie is coming to visit me for a week in July. That probably counts as a vacation. =)
8. My favorite must have, can't live without, beauty product is?
Um, everything Mary Kay! Although, I will say that I ran out of the Oil Free Eye Makeup Remover [because I didn't realize our HHG would take so long to get here] and I'm dying without it! My wonderful SIL is sending me some to last me until our HHG get here. =)
I promise I'll be back later with pictures from our LOST tour yesterday... =)