The plane ride(s) went way better than I expected. We got up at 0430 on Monday morning and got ready to head to the airport. We made it to our gate an hour before our flight was to take off, which was a good thing because they boarded the plane early. About 30 minutes before, I took an entire Dramamine. Oops. I say "oops" because I am very easily medicated. Very. One Benadryl takes me out of commission. Seriously. Apparently, I forgot this. About 10 minutes after we'd gotten on the plane, I started to feel really woozy. Then I remembered I should have taken 1/2 of the pill. Needless to say I snoozed through the whole first flight. =)
The 10 hr flight from Atlanta to Honolulu was long. 10 hours is a really long time to be on a plane. In fact, I don't think I've recovered yet. I still kind of feel like I'm on a plane. I think it's an inner ear issue, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I made it through the whole flight without getting the least bit nauseous. =D This is a very big deal. I always feel some sort of nausea when I fly. I think the fact that the plane we were on was, uh, huge made a big difference though. I watched 3 movies which definitely helped pass the time. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep for more than 30 minutes.
I really should have tried to sleep longer on the plane. Not sleeping was a really bad idea. Yesterday was probably the longest. day. ever. Getting up at 0430 eastern time and staying up until 0200 eastern time (2000 Hawaii time) absolutely sucked!!! And then Joe and I both woke up at 0530 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. We laid in bed until 0630 and then finished the rest of last night's movie. Then we grabbed breakfast and got ready for the day. It was kinda funny. =) Especially since I never get up that early on my own. Ever.
Joe had some Army stuff to do today so I spent most of my day here in the hotel room. It wasn't all bad. I gotta say, the Army is totally taking care of us. We have a really nice room complete with a flat screen tv, dvd player, mini fridge, microwave, and cabinet space in the "kitchenette". It's a lot cleaner than the hotel we stayed in at Charleston and we had to pay for that one. Grrrr. We went to the housing office today and were told that we could have a place [on post] by the 13th. This is assuming that the house isn't a dump. We have the option to turn it down if we don't like it. And, of course, there's always the option of living off post. Right now, we're going to wait to view the house when it's available and then we'll weigh our options. I have a feeling we're going to go with on post because it's going to be wayyyy cheaper.
After housing [and getting shuttled to and from it], we went to the commissary. Thank the Lord it's a 5 minute walk back to the hotel!!!! I'd thought that it was at least a 1/2 mile away from were we are and I was really worried about walking back with groceries. But, we got enough for probably 2 weeks and were able to walk it all back to our room. I think I'm going to be doing a lot of walking while we're waiting for a house...and our car. I can't believe it could be a month!!!!
Don't forget about the [possible] giveaway! I need 100 followers to be able to do this. Only 12 more to go in the next 4 days! We can do this, but I need YOUR help!

Stumbled across your blog, welcome to Hawaii!
My husband is stationed at Pearl Harbor,and we just got here in far, I love everything about living here. lots of cool places to see (ESPECIALLY HISTORIC! We live on Ford Island, and there is a ton of stuff just here on our little island to see!)
While you are waiting for your HHG to arrive, see if the Army has connections to Aloha Furniture. I know while we were waiting for our HHG to arrive they provided us with just about everything we needed to get by with (pots, pans, sofa, bed!) until our HHG got here. The car, well - sometimes they get here faster than they say they will!
Wow...wrote a book, sorry!
Awww I just did the Atlanta-Honolulu flight two weeks ago ... except I worked it. L O L
(oh and boarding always begins 30 min prior to departure ... international starts 45-50 minutes prior to departure) Darn those tickets for not keeping people informed. : )
Glad you made it to Paradise! My cousin and her hubby are out there, I'm tempted to transfer there for work. LOL
Lucky you got put in at the Inn! We had to stay at a hotel near the airport, blech. Well, welcome to Hawaii. I live on post at Schofield so if you have any questions, let me know.
Welcome to the Land of Aloha!! Glad you made it here safe. You got here at a great time too...the rain has subsided making way for loads of blue sky and sunshine :)
Glad you made it smoothly!
So glad to hear that things are going smoothly and that you arrived safely. I'm still incredibly jealous that you live in HI! :)
Glad you got there without a hitch! But also super jealous! I had to break my winter coat back out of the closet this week :(
Yay! You made it there safely! Enjoy your first few days in paradise!
You made it! Oh how I wish I was easily medicated. I take two dramamine and still get horribly nauseous. I like flying but I hate flying because I get antsy and sick and no matter how tired I am, I can't sleep. So glad you made it and that most of the stress is gone!!
Glad you made it to Hawaii finally and safely! You are embarking on an exciting new adventure! I can't wait to see pics! Giveaway sounds fun hope you get 100 followers! :)
Welcome to Hawaii! I hope you guys end up liking it here.
And I noticed you mentioned about living on or off post and it can be pretty expensive living off. But depending on his rank and the BAH you guys get there are actually some cheaper apartments around Ewa Beach area, that are actually really nice (that's where we live) if you decide to look off post.
Anyway I hope you guys get settled in alright, oh and you can always hit up craigslist it there's anything you need for cheap you can find some great stuff here on the island.
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