I, along with Casey at The Ever-Changing Life of a Military Wife, am participating in Moovin' March. What does this mean?
1. No fast food
2. 3 workouts a week
3. Join up!
So, how did I do last week? Pretty well actually. I was a little proud of myself. I only resorted to non-homemade food one time last week. This is because my hubby desperately needed some pizza. Ok, ok...I wanted it too. Other than that, the week was pretty good! I did four workouts - yay me! I usually end up only doing 3, but I'm trying to be better. I did Fat-Burning Pilates Monday and Wednesday. I ran for 30 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday, and did "slow" Crunch Pick Your Spot Pilates on Thursday. So, I only ran once...but it's really hard for me to want to leave the house when it's raining. I have serious issues with the rain. =)
This week is probably not going to be good. I have a feeling I'm not going to be working out much this week while I'm gone. I'm taking 2 sets of workout clothes with me, along with my trusty tennis shoes. Maybe we'll at least take a walk or something. It's supposed to be pretty nice this week. I'm taking my laptop with me, so until Thursday, I will be
Happy Monday! Hope y'all have a great week!

Pilates sounds fun. What videos do you have that you like?
Good job! I love Pilates. Way more my style than Yoga (even though the two aren't really similar, I still compare them :)).
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