
10 March, 2011

A Song

I've decided to hop on the bandwagon and link my fave song this week on Goodnight Moon's What's YOUR Song party. =)

I'm sort of cheating because I've got two songs that have captured me this week. Way back in July when the bestie came to visit, I borrowed some music from her computer. (I even have my own playlist on her Mac!) I've been listening to MercyMe a lot in the past few days. Then today, I heard a song by the lovely Casting Crowns on the radio. It just reminded me of who God is and why I've been being...well, the way I've been. If you read my "I hit a wall" post from yesterday, this will make sense to you. 

Anyway, here are the songs. I hope they speak to you as much as they do to me. 

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Also, head over to Goodnight Moon and link up YOUR song if it tickles your fancy. =)